A Brief Guide to Understanding Stages of Product Design

Product design, a term that sounds and reads simple, is a creative process focusing on developing products that best suit the desired audience. A successful product design identifies customers' needs and delivers a functional, appealing product.

The product design world is complex and involves several things. While a product designer or an aspiring product designer learns the concept by undergoing product design courses in UK , we will look at one section in this blog.

Stages of Product Design

The process of product design involves several steps/stages. They are:

Problem Discovery

The first and foremost step of the product design process is to identify the problems and look for solutions. It is important to understand things that customers care about. At this stage, the designers will brainstorm and conduct marketing research to reach the issue's core.

Idea Generation

Now that you know the problem, the next step is to look for solutions. General questions that need to be answered in this stage are: what range of products can be developed to solve the problem? What products will customers enjoy?

In this stage, aspiring product designers use a low-cost and simple wireframe design to draft mockups of several solutions. The options will help them put different things into perspective and choose one that best suits the market requirement.


Once you have a solution you would like to proceed with, the next step is to begin prototyping. In this stage, the aim is to develop a testable product that designers can use to gather feedback. The prototyping includes paying attention to all the aspects, from interaction design to visual aesthetics. It is also important to note how the end users respond to the prototype.

Product Testing

The last prototype version of the product is now ready to be tested. When the product reaches this stage, it should resemble the market version. Product designers can later work on improving the overall product before launching it. This means it is important for product designers to collect information and work on the product until it has been optimized.

Wrapping Up

As an established or aspiring product designer, your responsibility will be to ideate and develop a visually appealing and functional product. The product should be marketable, and they must monitor its development at every stage. To know more about the stages in-depth, you can enroll in any of the best product design courses in UK .

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